Abstract submission

Instructions for abstract submission

Abstract form

Abstract submission deadline – (September 20 th  2023.)


  1. Abstracts published or presented previously at scientific and/or professional meetings will be not accepted. Abstract can be submitted on one of local languages or/and English.
  2. Requests for possible changes in the abstract content should be addressed only electronically before abstract submission deadline on e-mail address sazeci@kongres.upubih.com. Please, use as the subject term ABSTRACT CHANGES/CORRECTIONS. No further changes will be possible beyond submission deadline date.
  3. Corresponding/presenting author is required to provide precise contact details (e-mail address) for further correspondence. Please mark obligatory (underline) presenting author in the Abstract form.
  4. Scientific Committee will review all received abstracts and select those for poster presentation. Please, choose only one topic from the list.
  5. All instructions for authors of accepted abstracts will be send in the notification of acceptance.
  6. Accepted abstracts will be included in the Book of Abstracts if registration fee for presenting author is fully paid up to October 1st , 2023. In case that presenting author does not pay the Registration fee until the above date, abstract will be not included in the Book of Abstracts.
  7. Authors of accepted abstract will present their poster presentation due the course of the session allocated by the Scientific Committee.
  8. Please, do not include footnotes as a part of your abstract and avoid bolding, underlining and otherwise changing the fonts in the abstract body.
  9. If drug names are used in the abstract, authors are advised to use generic names only. In case of using commercial names, abstract will be not accepted.


  1. Abstract should be written in local language and/or English.
  2. For Abstract forms (local languages and/or English) please write on sazeci@kongres.upubih.com
  3. Please submit your abstract in Word format only, attached to the e-mail and send to sazeci@kongres.upubih.com.
  4. Abstract should not exceed 300 words without title, authors and parts of the abstract body. The use of tables and figure is not allowed.
  5. Write Abstracts in Word only, font type Times New Roman, size:12 pt, line spacing 1.0.
  6. Title should be written in block letters, CAPS, bold, 12 pt, Times New Roman (no more than 20 caracters).
  7. Write full family name, given name and full affiliation of the author and all co-authors (no more than 3 co-authors per abstract). Underline the name of the presenting author and provide exact contact details of corresponding author (if is different of author’s contact details).
  8. Abstract should include: Introduction, Aim and Methods, Results and Conclusions (in “Case reports” as Results give short case report description).
  9. Write up to 3 keywords (obligatory).
  10. Up to 3 references are allowed (obligatory).
  11. Standard abbreviations should be used. For new abbreviations use the parentheses after the first use of the term. Please do not use abbreviations in the title of abstract.
  12. Original abstracts will not be edited. Linguistic and grammatical accuracy are the sole responsibility of the author(s). Abstract text will be published as is submitted.
  13. Deadline for Abstract submission is September 20, 2023.